Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cut Costs, Make your own grape juice

The are many ways a homesteader or a frugal person can save money. The all popular grape juice is one way to save that money. The one simple, cheap way I have read over and over again in many publications, you can do at home.


Hot, Sterilized quart canning jars with rings and seals
Seedless Grapes of any flavor
Boiling Water

In a hot, sterilized quart jar add 2 cupfuls of lightly smashed grapes. Then add a cup of sugar. Follow by filling with boiling water to within a 1/2 inch of top of jar. Seal immediately.
Its recommended for safety to process in a hot bath as usually directed for juices.
Cool, label and store in dark, cool place for 10 weeks. When ready to drink strain juice in to container and enjoy.
To make a concentrate, double grapes and sugar.

Hopefully this is helpful to those who want to save money any small way they can.

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