Recently I can across a rather interesting website. It was called BY EXAMPLE, The Quest for Sustainable Living. It is a very informative and very detailed account of a couples trip down the sustainable life trip. "We began a wondrous experimental lifestyle exploring the limitations of sustainable living", as quoted from the website.
The site contains so much information, as person can spend hours reading and educating themselves on the
trials and tribulations this couple have been through over the years of their experiment. They go through the standard About Us format, but through in so much information, its like your there and can see it or even dream it for yourself. The show through their website all the information they have tried and tested over the years. Experiments they have tried and succeeded as well as experiments they have upgraded due to their demands and needs, As well as planned projects in the future are there for you to review and maybe try yourself.
Currently, I myself am still reading and reviewing the vast amounts of information on there site. I felt the information that one can obtain from their experiences, should be shared with my fellow back to landers. I hope those who have chose to explore this web page, enjoy it as much as I am.
I enjoy your blogging here - much more productive and positive. A lot of my favorite topics! A Homestead is something I have always wanted. By Example is a great site and I have come across it before and in process of switching computers lost that bookmark - so Thank You!
ReplyDeleteThank You very much. Appreciate the comment. As with I, I dream of a homestead where I can raise and grow my own foods, as well as support my family on the income that comes from my farm. Good luck in acheiving it on your end.